Sunday, January 14, 2007

TGIF Schaumburg

Visited TGIF Schaumburg last weekend.
They had a promotion recently with their hot 3 course meals at 12.99!!!
I would say it's valuable meal and you will satisfy with what they served!
(Though I've received alot of complaints on TGIF in Queensbay Penang recently).
May be the way they managed are different...

Here is the promotion flyler!!!

Someone would prefer drinking beer while waiting......
Not taking too long time (about 15 minutes) before having a seat in TGIF.

Well, actually, TGIF was the first choice but OutBack

(need to wait for almost an hour, so decided to choose TGIF!!!lucky you..hehhehe)

I've ordered

Crispy Green Bean Friees as The Appetizer

Jack Daniel's Pulled Pork Sandwidch as the Entree

Finally, the 3rd Cinnabon Cheesecake as The Dessert

Don't you think that it's more than enough!!!Well, I can't really finish it! It's really full that night.

Still hunting for some of 'nice' restaurants as time is running out...any recomendation?

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