Wednesday, December 10, 2008

上班,午餐,顺兴老茶馆 (晚餐兼看表演)

Date: 9th Dec 2009
Temperature: 5.8 Celcius

As usual, go to work early in the morning at 8:30am and reached office at 9:15am.
Lunch at a small town in ChengDu, brought by Morris and Helen.

The lunch is quite 'cheap' relatively compared in Penang - about 11 RMB each for 6 dishes for 7 people..

After work, we have booked for 顺兴老茶馆
ADD:成都沙灣路258號成都國際會議展覽中心三樓TEL:028-87693202 028-87693203
。。。thanks to helen for her arrangement and booking for us!!!

Taken the dinner there as well!!! 兔肉炒,担担面

We have booked the 4th row for the show which started at 8:00pm daily which costed 58 RMB

All of the shows are really really's a "must watch" this whenever you have a chance to travel to ChengDu!!!

Last but not least was the dig ear service & head, neck & back massage service
I've tried and it's really funny and infact quite comfortable. (Some audients even taking the 'services' while watching the show...
Continue to work in hotel after returning to hotel ...(checking mails)

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