Saturday, December 13, 2008


Had a review until 12:30pm today and thus missed the lunch at the office hour (having lunch is the office considered very very cheap relatively compared to Penang - 4-7 RMB only).
Need to say sorry to 2 colleagues waiting for me because of my review...
Luckily, Morris (colleague here - who is always taking care of us) - drove us out to 犀浦for lunch...三合面。。。吃的就是。。。川式面条(杂酱,清汤,排骨,牛肉,等面条)。各自点了大碗的面。。。超大(6RMB 而已), 简直是太值得了。。味道还不错,店里几乎满座!!
Thanks to Morris again..for bringing us out for lunch...

Dinner at XiPu again...犀浦..but this time, we went to 百度烤肉犀浦店, 吃的就是“纸上烤肉,就在百度”。。。佩服的是,这里的服务生全程服务。。帮忙烧烤。。。简直是不可思议。。。这种服务根本在槟城找不到。。。(高档的烤肉店也未必有!!!)75RMB ...


是时候进入梦想了。。。(need to send out quickie first..had a great achievement this week by completing the tasks earlier...)

signing off at

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